Hello class! How are you? I hope all of you are happy and safe at home. I'm writing to you to let you know what English work you can do these days without going to school! Important!, don't stress, ok? I will give you some ideas to keep in touch with the language (English) and to not loose the habit of working in English. I'll suggest you some games, videos, activities... to do at home!
⚠⚠ You had homework for Monday 16/03/2020, you still have to do this reading (Class book, page 76). Remember, copy the questions and answer them using long sentences.
1- You can finish Unit 5 by reading Class Book pages 44-45 (Musical Instruments) I leave you here a link that will take you to the audios! You can do the listenings at home.
AUDIOS (Click and listen each audio):
Also, you can go to Activity Book pages 48-49 and do the following activities:
- AB pg 48 (Lesson 9: ex. 1 and 2). For activity 2, you have to try and answer BEFORE listening the audio. Read the question, try to guess and then check your answers with the listening (CD 2.19)
- AB pg 48 (Lesson 10: ex. 1 and 2). Activity 1 is a listening (CD 2.21). Tick or cross. Listen again and try to guess what instrument it is (you can write it on the book if you want!). Activity 2: complete the sentences with the words you have above the picture- easy peasy😜)
- AB pg 49 (Lesson 11: ex. 1). Read the text. Read the sentences and write true or false.
2- Online Games
- Learning Zone (Your level is Level 5&6)
- Learn English (You can try: Fast Vocab, Vocab Game, Fast Phrases, Fast English, Clothes, Prepositions, Big Describer, Jobs Game, Past Tense, Compare, Monster Numbers, Concentration, Bubbles, Time, Falling Clouds, Spelling Bee, Phrase Making, Hangman and Animal Mystery). Sobretot, please practiqueu: PAST TENSE, TIME and NUMBERS!
- Activities (9 Units to practice English grammar)
3- Videos
4- Grammar
- Past Continuous
- Past Simple
- Have got (+/-)
- Have got (?)
- Could/Couldn't
That's all... We are not at the school but we have to try to keep working! But as I told you... don't stress!! A little bit everyday, you can play, watch videos, do exercices...
Also! I will be checking the blog everyday, if you need anything don't doubt and leave a comment and I will help you with anything, ok? Nois, si teniu dubtes o voleu dir-me alguna cosa, poseu un comentari en aquesta entrada del blog! Estaré activa per aquí cada dia, no som a l'escola però seguim connectats, ok?😀

We can do it! 💪
Ànims a tots!
See you soon, class!!
Jo faig angles a casa amb una profE qu tiNc