Hello class! How are you? I'm sure you're all good and happy!😁
Do you remember we were studying insects in class? It was the last part of "Unit 4". I know you like books and stories, so... Today's activity is about the story of a Caterpillar!
You can find different things to do.
1. Watch the Animated story:
↓Click on the image to watch the video↓
Per visualitzar el videu heu d'anar a dalt a la dreta i clicar el botó que diu "sign in".
Tot seguit, us demanarà un codi per veure el video. El codi és el següent: QP9781
2. Now, read the story
↓Click on the image to read the story↓
Us deixo la versió del conte en Power Point perquè la pugueu llegir vosaltres també
Click on the image to see the vocabulary of the story↓
1. Word search:
Click on the image to do the Word Search↓
When you finish, click here to get the answers:
2. The life cycle of a butterfly:
Click on the image to know about the life cycle of a butterfly↓
Click on the image to read a text about the life cycle of a butterfly↓
Click on the image to see the questions about The life cycle of a butterfly↓
When you finish, click here to get the answers
3. Colour a butterfly. Follow the instructions:
Click on the image to print the worksheet. Follow the numbers to colour the squares↓
When you finish, click here to get the answers
4. Draw:
Click on the image to print the worksheets. Finish the drawings↓
No heu de fer totes les activitats, us en proposo unes quantes diferents perquè feu les que us vinguin de gust! Cliqueu a les fotos i us duran a l'enllaç del document. El que si us demano és que mireu la història i, si podeu, l'intenteu llegir vosaltres mateixos amb el PowerPoint que us he deixat.
Si teniu impressora podeu imprimir les activitats a l'hora de fer-les, sobretot les que siguin de pintar i dibuixar (3 i 4). Us deixo les solucions de totes les activitats perquè vosaltres mateixos comproveu la vostra feina (no feu trampes, eh!)
I hope you like it!
Bye everyone!